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Tuesday, March 12, 2019
“It is a combination of farm goods, handmade goods, crafts and several food trucks per week,” Graham explained. “We’ll have baked goods, clothing, jewelry – anything that you have seen at previous markets. With this market, we’re actually going to get a lot more participation from local businesses.
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019
“There are physical benefits, cognitive benefits and social benefits,” said Caroline Hendrix, director of GREAT. “For people who are learning to walk, the horse’s gait closely mimics the human’s walking gait. A person who is learning how to walk can sit on the horse and feel that movement.
Cover Story
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019
Picture this: The house lights are slowly lowered as runway lights are brought up to their brightest setting on some of the most handsome and beautiful “fur babies” to strut their stuff for a good cause at the 10th annual Best in Sheaux fundraiser for Robinson’s Rescue.
Cover Story
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019
“There were a lot of people who were very concerned that salvinia was spelling the death of Caddo Lake – that this would be the end,” said Laura- Ashley Overdyke. “That we could not stop it soon enough. That it would crowd out everything else, and we would soon have a fisheries crash and an economic recreation crash where.
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019
But what to do with them? “I have brothers and sisters who live all over the country and all over the world,” Cush said. “In all the places I’ve visited, they are revitalizing downtown.
Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019
Naturally, a lawyer had the answer. “The Bar Association was in the process of hiring an executive director for the first time,” recalled attorney Neil Erwin. “The question came up as to how we were ever going to be able to pay for that.
Cover Story
Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018
However, the action will start early that morning outside the stadium – in the Walk-On’s Tailgate Area. That is where Chef Folse will begin his effort to break the current record of 5,800 pounds of gumbo. Ingredients will be put into a special pot being made by a sheet metal company in South Louisiana.
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018
“I walked in (to Red River CrossFit) and was immediately hooked,” Dr. Sanders said. “It’s just a different type of fitness. It makes sense, whereas sitting on a bench and working on a machine doesn’t make sense. Physically, medically, the way our body moves, this makes sense – what CrossFit does.
Monday, Nov. 5, 2018
“Restaurants – there is more creative freedom. No matter what restaurant you’re at, there are going to be boundaries. The boundaries are a little broader than they are with private homes because people usually are on specific diets and splurge when they go out.

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