Home / Articles / By Tony Taglavore
Monday, July 30, 2018
If you are a selfproclaimed “geek” or a closet “geek,” your big weekend is coming up. The fourth annual Geek’d Con – a festival for “geeks” – will take place Aug. 17-19 at the Shreveport Convention Center. Hours are Friday 6-9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-7 p.m., and Sunday 11 a.
Monday, July 16, 2018
A farm? Yes. A farm. An indoor farm. Cotton Street Farms – a top-five finalist last year and an entry in this year’s Louisiana Start Up Prize competition – is the brainchild of Michael Billings, a 35-year-old graduate of Caddo Magnet High School. Billings has bought a vacant building at 406 Cotton St.
Cover Story
Monday, July 2, 2018
“We wanted to provide the community with an event that every age would love to be a part of,” said Kelly Wells, executive director of the Shreveport-Bossier Sports Commission. “We wanted to provide an event that is world-class, and we feel along with our partners we will once again accomplish that this year.
Monday, July 2, 2018
“I really love Shreveport, and I appreciate all of the opportunities Shreveport has given me to serve,” Thompson said. “I raised my children here. They got good educations. My wife and I are happy here. We want to see the town prosper. We think we have an obligation to make sure that happens – to work to see that happens.
Men's & Women's Health
Monday, June 18, 2018
“We have a technician who does a scan. A patient will have a scan on their teeth done with a digital scanner. It basically looks like an oversized toothbrush. It takes thousands and thousands of images quickly. It compiles all of these images together and creates one large file that is the patient’s teeth – top teeth and bottom teeth.
Monday, June 4, 2018
To that end, the San Antonio, Texas, native who moved to Shreveport when he was 13 years old, has bought – and continues to buy – old, vacant buildings in and around the city and renovate them into vibrant places which enhance quality of life.
Monday, May 7, 2018
“During the past three years, knowing I was going to be the chairman and working my way through committees, I made notes about what needs to be done. What things can be done better? What do we need to take a fresh look at?” For Giglio, being chairman is a labor of love.
Cover Story
Monday, May 7, 2018
Admission to enjoy the “good music and good food” will be free Thursday and Friday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. From 5-11 p.m. those days, and all day Saturday and Sunday, admission will be $5 per person. Children under 7 years old and military personnel with ID enjoy free admission all day every day.
Monday, April 23, 2018
“We are a community that loves to eat and drink and be with one another,” said Gregory Kallenberg, executive director of the Prize Foundation and charged with putting together the “Taco Wars” competition. “There are cultures that fit right in with that thinking.

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