Home / Articles / By Tony Taglavore
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
But Lisa Ezell – who has pretty much been making things all her life – doesn’t think you should have to wait for a festival to go shopping. That’s why she’s opening Portobello Road South, which will be at the Louisiana Boardwalk in Bossier. Starting Aug.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Querbes Park Golf Course is no different. But our area’s oldest and most historic golf course in Shreveport’s Broadmoor/South Highlands area is different in that it’s getting close to a three-quarters of a million dollars facelift. That, ahead of its 100th birthday next year.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
“The kids really enjoyed it,” Scott said. “There was food, and there were so many balloons. We could walk around and visit with the pilots. It was really neat when they all turned on the balloons and they were lit up. We sat down on the grass and had a little picnic.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
“It’s kind of like a new life, or a new beginning, every spring,” said Margaret John, vice president of the Red River Crossroads Association, which puts on the festival. “It’s a community effort to beautify our part of north Caddo Parish and to give back to the community.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
“We are very excited,” Kelly said. You can get a look at the Kelly’s new home – and 23 others – by visiting this year’s Parade of Homes (POH). On the weekends of June 17-18 and 24-25, you can see newly constructed homes, remodeled homes and outdoor living projects.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
I’m always going to be respectful of them. Everything I know came from that place. From the Giacalone family, that’s where I learned everything. Putting my hands in the kitchen on the food, on the ingredients, that’s where I learned everything. I love Italy like I love Mexico (Chef Andrade’s native country), and I love the United States.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
“There are pictures of me out there in my baby chair, sitting around the table, while they were out there getting all the berries coming in from out in the field – grading through them, making sure they were all good,” Wells said. “I’ve been around it all my life.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
“I hope they get ideas they can take home and apply to their own yard,” said tour chairperson Karen Durham. “They can see some new plants they aren’t familiar with. Most of these houses have some really clever things they have done with their property. It just gives you ideas.
Cover Story
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
"We've always said crawfish festival, crawfish festival, crawfish festival," said Terri Mathews, now in her 30th year as chairperson of the annual Memorial Day weekend event. "What we came to realize (in 2021 – the year back from Covid) was, man, our music is what sells us.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
“Two years ago, (Andy) came to me and asked if I would come out of retirement,” Ann Lombardino said. “He wanted to have his own restaurant so he could have liver and onions and rice pudding, like we served at Beam’s. He said he could not get it anywhere that good in this town.


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