Home / Articles / By Mary Ann Van Osdell
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018
1978, a team of scientists was granted unprecedented access to the Shroud, the purported burial cloth of Jesus. Over the course of five days, the team of scientists and photographers worked non-stop, using various techniques, including infrared spectrometry and thermography, as well as sticky tape samples to analyze the cloth.
On The Scene
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2018
An assortment of purses and auction packages took center stage Aug. 25 at the Bossier Civic Center during the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary’s 6th annual Purses for a Purpose..
On The Scene
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018
An enthusiastic group of ladies gathered at the home of John and Shan Ponthie on Aug. 22 for a kickoff and planning party for the 66th annual Loyola Style Show..
On The Scene
Monday, May 21, 2018
In April, the Shreveport Regional Arts Council revealed the theme of this year’s Christmas in the Sky: Sky Broadway. Christmas in the Sky is the biennial fund-raiser produced by the Arts Council. Hosted at Louisiana Downs, the building is transformed to immerse guests into whatever the theme is each year.


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