President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science Board found that participating in sports is associated with lower rates of anxiety and depression, lower stress, higher self-esteem, reduced risk of suicide, increased cognitive performance, increased creativity and increased life satisfaction.
The magazine said it was most important to let children explore a range of activities rather than specialize in one at an early age. The right mix of afterschool activities can improve grades, boost school attendance and regulate behavior, the Afterschool Alliance says.
Using a laptop for a long period of time can wreak havoc on your posture and lead to neck and upper back pain. A laptop stand like this one from Soundance keeps your computer at the right level for your eyesight. In general, Engadget says, you want your eye level to be one or two inches below the top of the display.
That’s a lot of screen time. And a lot of influence from online personalities and friends. While social media does allow teens to stay connected and form their own communities, it can also expose them to dangerous activities and people, including cyberbullying and privacy risks.
“This strategy gives parents a great opportunity to discuss the benefits of different meal options and why certain foods may be healthier and make them feel bet- ter than others,” Cleveland Clinic pediatric dietitian Jennifer Hyland says.
Any visitor to Shreveport in the summer of 1873 would have seen a vibrant and prosperous river port town with a dense population of commercial and residential activity concentrated near what is today known to locals simply as “the riverfront.
Disease-carrying mosquitoes are actually a huge problem globally, killing hundreds of thousands of people each year. That’s more than any other animal or insect. They feed on blood from unwitting host animals, then transfer sometimes deadly pathogens as they move from bite victim to bite victim.
There are a number of factors to consider when deciding if your particular home is suitable for solar. Generally, homeowners need to have a recently installed new roof that faces south, and isn’t subject to long periods of shade. Individual companies may have their own additional requirements, depending on the specific equipment they use.
After a few seasons, the sitting area in anyone’s backyard, patio or balcony space can begin to look grimy and old — particularly if you live in a more humid environment. But there’s no need to buy a whole new set of furniture.