Theresa Caputo Interview
Long Island Medium on the record with 318 Forum, Shreveport

The appearance of Theresa Caputo in Shreveport is timely, one day after All Souls at the Municipal Auditorium at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3.
In a phone interview, Caputo said every day is like All Souls Day for her. Known as The Long Island Medium, she communicates with the dead. Her job is to interpret what she senses and feels and share “the highest good of all concerned,” she said.
It's her first trip to Shreveport for an event being held in a historical building known for ghost sightings and being the city morgue.
“Souls are everywhere, no matter where I am,” said the otherwise typical Long Island mother.
On her show airing Friday, Nov. 1 on TLC, she tried to go all day without turning off the spirits, but she always "senses and feels" if the spirit pushes her enough. She acknowledges every soul she has felt. They make her feel how they died, and then she gives a healing message to their survivor. "Those who need it receive it," she explained, adding, "not everyone needs to see a medium or is open to it," she said.
“I’m the first to say what I do is crazy,” Caputo said. But she’s never been approached and told she is crazy in a store, for instance.
She doesn’t know why she rubs her lips together the way she does. “I just went to do that when you asked that,” she responded. Friends first noticed and told her she was doing it. She said she just waits for information and puts it in the spirit’s hands to open the doors.
A Catholic, she said she sees spirits walk in God’s white light.
Once, a girl spirit came through saying she was murdered, and the murderer committed suicide. But Caputo couldn't feel him and his energy because he is "somewhere lower than her." The girl's mom prays to her daughter every day to see if he is remorseful because she was a gift he took from her family.
There has never been a session where no spirit ever came to her, and no research is done on the audience. "How could I?" she asked. "I wouldn't know how to go about it." She does walk through the crowd as the spirits guide her.
She said everyone has common burdens and guilts, but something unique to the spirit is brought forth. Something someone loved or missed out on. She asks the spirit to validate with laughter and personality. She said the shows have lots of laughter. “It’s the No. 1 thing we forget to do,” she said, maybe feeling guilty while grieving. Grief is an emotional roller coaster and given the ability to smile is crucial, Caputo said.
She delivers healing messages to audience members and gives people comfort knowing that their loved ones who passed are still with them, just in a different way.
Caputo said it's harder to read people she knows. In her daily life, she doesn't get those kinds of messages.
Presenting her with questions submitted on Facebook, she answered this one. When you dream of a late loved one and remember--as long as you remember vividly--that is a visitation. Some will dream of a deceased child who was approaching 30 and see him looking like he is 7, a happier time.
When the soul leaves, it leaves without ailment, she said, adding that babies have souls. Through feelings, signs and symbols, she may visualize a pink or blue blanket in these situations.
Caputo has been a practicing medium for more than 20 years. She has never seen John Edward, who is similar and also from New York, but has the utmost respect for him and said he opened a door for her.
“I just feel like she is sincere and the people she helps touch her heart," said Christy Kennedy, one of her fans. "She just leads a normal life like everyone until she feels the need to speak to someone with a message from the spirits. When that happens, she can't keep quiet. And she is funny! Doesn't put on airs!"
At the show, a video display will ensure everyone has an up-close experience regardless of seat location.
Caputo has appeared on such programs as The Tonight Show with both Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon, The Steve Harvey Show, Live with Kelly & Michael, Dr. Oz, and The Today Show.
Her latest book, Good Grief: Heal Your Soul, Honor Your Loved Ones, and Learn to Live Again, was released in 2017 and debuted on the New York Times bestseller list at No. 3. Caputo’s second book, You Can’t Make This Stuff Up, was released in September 2014 and debuted at No. 9 on the New York Times bestseller list. Her first book, There’s More to Life Than This, was released in the fall of 2013.
Learn more about Caputo at
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