On the Scene

Prize Fest invaded downtown Shreveport and Texas Street again this year with more offerings than ever before. In addition to LA Film Prize, there was also Music Prize, Food Prize’s Battle of the Golden Fork competition, and Fashion Prize. More than 5,000 people attended the different offerings during the five-day event. The winner of the $50,000 LA Film Prize grand prize was “Anniversary.” (See page 10)
1) Alexis Morreale, Chloe Ramsey
2) Angie Costakis, LJ Beckius
3) Kevin and Donna Bryan
4) Gregory and Heidi Kallenberg
Margaritaville Resort Casino hosted the 3rd annual SIP Unlimited, a wine, food and entertainment experience showcasing Northwest Louisiana’s favorite foods and wines in the Paradise Theater and Jimmy’s Steak and Seafood. SIP began in 2017 to celebrate and raise funds for renowned local restaurateur Kuan Lim, owner of Lucky Palace. Since its inception, over 800 people have attended SIP, and proceeds have generated over $100,000 to help the beneficiaries of the event. This year, the event honored three legends from the local hospitality industry including Mike Bush, Phillip Cuellar and Kuan Lim.
SIP Unlimited
5) Caroline Randolph, Amy Gardner Day
7) Christy Long, Shelli Bartlett, Lisa Capatillo, Jamie Williams
9) Toni Regula, Kuan Lim, Barry Regula
8) Mary Craigo, Kelle Kris Rogers
The Woman’s Department Club held its style show and membership luncheon on Sept. 20 with fashions by Chico’s and some of the membership as models. Members prepared the meal themselves. This is one of the many events during the club’s centennial.
Womens’ Department Club
10) Pamela Leopard
11) Irene Smothers and Libby Gleason
The Northwest Louisiana
Family Justice Center, in cooperation with the district attorneys of
Northwest Louisiana, held their third annual People of Courage benefit
luncheon at Sam’s Town Hotel & Casino. The keynote speaker for the
event was Deputy Solicitor General for the Louisiana Department of
Justice, Michelle Ward Ghetti. Funds raised are for providing services
to survivors of domestic violence.
People of Courage
1) Jay Bowman, McCord Coleman and Cole Guthrie
2) Louisiana State Senator Ryan Gatti, Bossier DA Schuyler Marvin and Bossier Tax Assessor Bobby Edmiston
3) Shreveport DA James Stewart and Sam’s Town GM Ron Bailey
4) Sister Sharon Rambin and Ursula Hardy
5) Sheriff Steve Prator, Laura Seabaugh and Emily Mott
The Krewe of Gemini XXXI Royalty Coronation was hosted at the Shreveport Convention Center and featured entertainment by Johnny Earthquake and the Moondogs. The black tie-optional party also featured a seated dinner and a silent auction. The new royalty and their court were presented to the crowd.
Krewe of Gemini
6) King Gene Corley, Captain Chris Stansell, Queen Mary Louise Stansell
7) Michelle Gooch, Amy Martin, Segalit Rivera
8) Troy Underwood, Carl Bolt, Shane Phillips, Gene Corley
The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary put on a style show and luncheon at East Ridge Country Club on Sept. 21. De Rigueur out of Kilgore, Texas, coordinated the fashion, jewelry and handbags. A plated lunch and drawing for a Louis Vuitton purse and a silent auction of handbags were also part of the event. This was a new element for the group’s annual fundraiser, which is now in its seventh year. The event, sponsored by Wray Ford, featured a Broadway theme with a taxi and Times Square street signs on the stage and Playbills as centerpieces on the tables.
Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary
9) Ann Spikes, Mary Fisher, Sandy Bounds, Phyllis Guler, Caroline Phillips, Hilda Holder
10) Sarah Price, Lt. Jamaal Ellis, Robin Merkle
11) Sue Oppliger
12) Tracy Fenner and Sherry Stuckey
13) Ted and Datha Hopkins
A special preview of “Country Music,” an eight-part, 16-hour documentary film series was held at the Robinson Film Center in September. Directed by Ken Burns, the preview featured highlights from the whole series, which explored the remarkable stories of the people and places behind a true American art form. Kix Brooks, Joey Kent and Johnny Wessler served on a panel for audience questions afterwards.
Country Music
14) Kix Brooks, Joey Kent, Johnny Wessler
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