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Monday, April 19, 2021
I have passed so many visible benchmarks along the way. I can see the number on the scale. I can count the notches on my belt. I know how baggy my jeans have become. All of those things pointed toward a positive test result. That wasn’t good enough, though.
Monday, April 19, 2021
Evidence of a flourishing writers’ community abounds in the literary entries for Critical Mass 9, a project of the Shreveport Regional Arts Council (SRAC) that fosters critical artistic dialogue. The variety and daring of this year’s submissions bespeak an arts council and a literary scene open to many genres, styles and forms.
Monday, April 19, 2021
Jennifer Psalmonds is one local artist who is making a colorful splash. Her art is fresh, energetic and fun — certain to brighten up anyone’s day (and living room!) Psalmonds enjoys using a wide variety of mediums but primarily uses acrylics and oil sticks in most of her work today.
Monday, April 5, 2021
Spring has finally sprung, and community members are itching to get their fingers in the dirt! Two local gardening supply stores make it easy for gardeners — experienced and amateur alike — to get their bleak, winter-weary yards back into full bloom and ready for the new season.
Monday, March 22, 2021
kiss me. I looked up, and I ran!” Over the next three-plus decades, Melissa and Shawn spent their lives with others. Both married. Both divorced. But they stayed in touch. Then, in 2019, Melissa invited Shawn to be her date at a Christmas party. Almost a year later, they were married.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Unlike most LSUS students, Sanderson – who uses SporTran’s Liftline transportation to get to school – is legally blind. A detached retina when she was 12 years old took all the vision in her right eye. Glaucoma in Sanderson’s left eye took all but a very narrow field of vision.
Monday, March 22, 2021
We may find ourselves carrying more weight now that we have perfected our quarantine homemade bread recipe. Working from home may be here to stay in some form or another, yet if we are really being honest, we may have not yet mastered the work-life balance juggling act.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Dr. John Preston Parry strives to keep costs low for families yearning for a child. He says the most important step is to get the correct diagnosis. “A lot of people are spinning their wheels and treating things that are the wrong source,” he said. Dr.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Long before “convenience” became a buzzword in health-care marketing, Willis-Knighton Health System was focusing on it. Opening the first satellite hospital in Louisiana in 1983, the health system took health care into the suburbs in southwest Shreveport.
Monday, Feb. 8, 2021
The Silver Star brand has been around for years, known best for their delicious au gratin potatoes, their smoked meats and one of the best outdoor concert venues in the region. The newest Silver Star restaurant, Silver Star Cantina, is in Bossier City at the corner of Airline Drive and Texas Street.



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