Nothing celebrates the achievements of Caddo Parish Students in a bigger way than the largest student arts festival in the south: ArtBreak. In its 34th year, ArtBreak 2018 is where the kids are “killin it” with thousands of student works of visual, literary and performing art; where major sponsors including McDonald’s Grigg’s Enterprises, Citizens National Bank, the Franks Foundation, KTAL-6, Caddo Public Schools, Shreve Memorial Library and Cosse and Silmon Orthodontics are stepping up the game to showcase the student skills; and where over 100 talented students win more than $20,000 in cash awards that recognize their achievements. All winning works may be viewed in The Winners Circle sponsored by The Betty and Leonard Phillips Foundation. Celebrate this entire week of success and synergy between S.T.E.A.M., the Shreveport Symphony, student masterclasses, “Straight Up Abilities,” and so much more at the Shreveport Convention Center, Monday, April 23 to Sunday, April 29.
“Today the ARTS are alive and thriving in Caddo Schools—Theatre, Creative Writing, Music and Visual Arts are featured throughout Caddo Schools! Caddo Parish Public Schools are committed to 100% participation in ArtBreak 2018,” says Dr. T. Lamar Goree, Superintendent of Caddo Parish Public Schools.
Some of the newest activities for Caddo Parish students in ArtBreak 2018 include the following:
Straight Up Abilities, a national performance and education group for children and adults with intellectual or physical disabilities, will teach dance and movement classes and perform as a part of the Very Special Arts Festival (VSAF). John Tucker from the Emmy nominated A&E reality series, “Born This Way,” is the principal player in Straight Up Abilities.
Peter and the Wolf 2nd Grade Reading Adventure will feature the Shreveport Symphony Orchestra’s performance of “Peter and the Wolf,” a classical piece with each musical instrument symbolizing one of the characters in the story. The Shreve Memorial Library will design a hands-on, make-andtake experience as well as recommend a summer reading list to extend the experience for this Reading Adventure.
Film Prize Jr. invites students, ages 14-18, from the entire state to make a 3-10 minute film to participate in this competition that is the high energy little brother of the award-winning Louisiana Film Prize. Cash prizes total $7,000. FREE screenings will be held during ArtBreak Friday, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
KTAL-6 ArtBreak’s Got Talent made its debut in 2017 and gave lucky 2017 winner, violinist Landon Kay from South Highlands Elementary Magnet the chance to audition privately with the producers of the hit NBC show, “America’s Got Talent.” KTAL-6 will sponsor this event again for this year’s 22nd ArtBreak’s Got Talent competition and groups and individuals from ECE to 12th grade will participate. The Talent Show opens Friday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. at The Shreveport Convention Center.
A special initiative grant from the Alta and John Franks Foundation keeps the S.T.E.A.M. rising throughout ArtBreak in one of its most popular events: 3rd Grade Hands-On S.T.E.A.M. Activities. More than two dozen hands-on, makeand-take activities add “ART” to science, technology, engineering, and math programs in new and innovative ways to stimulate whole-brain thinking. Pinwheels teach physics, flower gardens help with fractions and paper plate pterodactyls instruct on the four primary forces of flight. These activities are some of the most popular of the Festival and are open throughout the week for 2nd and 3rd graders and during the weekend for families.