On The Scene

Robbys: The Robinson Film Center hosted The Robbys, A Red Carpet Party on Feb. 27 in downtown Shreveport. The Academy Awardsinspired event featured a piano bar with familiar movie themes played, a DJ dance party and The Robbys Awards ceremony. Awards given out included Best Duo, Best Arrival, Best Bling, Best Selfi e and Second Sexiest Person Alive. Proceeds benefi t Robinson Film Center.
–Mark Crawford
War Room: Karen Abercrombie, who played Miss Clara in “War Room,” appeared Feb. 19 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. She had a meetand-greet before speaking about her spiritual journey.
–Mary Ann Van Osdell
Annual Celebration: The United Way of Northwest Louisiana held its annual celebration Feb. 25 at Sam’s Town Casino. The nonprofi t honored a number of businesses around Shreveport-Bossier City that assisted with sponsorships and fundraiser opportunities. To see a complete list of the businesses, go to unitedwaynwla.org.